A place for notes and stuff
FreeRADIUS is very powerful and can do many different things. This article is just going to focus on getting an OpenBSD 802.1x EAP-TLS RADIUS server going. With the goal of serving a wireless WPA2-Enterprise zone.
EAP-TLS is mandated in the WPA2-802.1x standard so every client will support this mode. It is also one of the most secure of the EAP authentication methods.
OpenBSD FreeRADIUS depends on gmake to run the Makefile in /etc/raddb/certs
The default Makefile needs modifications to get p12 certificates for mobile use, and to generate a CRL.
Makefile Modifications:
Under client.pem: client.p12
client_android.p12: client.crt
$(OPENSSL) pkcs12 -export -in client.crt -inkey client.key -certfile ca.pem -name $(USER_NAME) -out client_android.p12 -passin pass:$(PASSWORD_CLIENT)
-passout pass:$(PASSWORD_CLIENT)
cp client_android.p12 $(USER_NAME)_android.p12
Under ca.der: ca.pem
ca.crl: crl_timestamp
$(OPENSSL) ca -gencrl -keyfile ./ca.key -cert ./ca.pem -out ./ca.crl -config ./ca.cnf -passin pass:$(PASSWORD_CA)
To use the crl function in the modified Makefile crl_timestamp
needs to be created in /etc/raddb/certs/
Doing a $ touch crl_timestamp
tells make to generate a new crl next time gmake is run.
iPhones like the CA cert in .crt form. Convert the ca.pem to .crt like this.
openssl x509 -outform der -in your-cert.pem -out your-cert.crt
Session caching can be turned on inraddb/mods-enabled/eap
cache {
enable = yes
lifetime = 24
# these next two options are required since 3.0.14
# OpenSSL internal session cache was disabled
name = "sysramble EAP"
# $ mkdir /var/log/radius/tlscache
# $ chown _freeradius:wheel /var/log/radius/tlscache
# $ chmod 750 /var/log/radius/tlscache
persist_dir = "${logdir}/tlscache"
A very simple script to keep the CRL updated, and a modified Makefile for use with it is below.
If you are getting SSL errors about ‘CA not found’ etc. when CA path seems set correctly etc.
Check crl is up to date.
To create a certificate revocation list:
Concatenate crl and ca file into ca_and_crl.pem and set the ca_file = ${cadir}/ca_and_crl.pem
option in /etc/raddb/mods-enabled/eap
Use crl.sh and crontab, or another method to keep the ca_and_crl.pem
file updated.
Set check_crl = no
in /etc/raddb/mods-enabled/eap
(not recommended)
iOS 9.5.6 does not work with the server.pem or client.pem file being elliptic. But the CA may be an EC cert.
Modern Android does not like any of the certs(CA, Server, Client) being elliptic.
RSA seems to be the only well supported option.
A custom Makefile that has been modified to use ecdsa elliptic curves is below.
The certificates that it produces are not very compatible. TODO lost it somwhere find
Elliptic Curve: /etc/raddb/certs/Makefile
WPA2-802.1x FreeRADIUS example configuration
Optional helper files
https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/FreeRadius_EAP-TLS_configuration https://www.ossramblings.com/RADIUS-3.X-Server-on-Ubuntu-14.04-for-WIFI-Auth